Tuesday, 4 September 2012

How To Cook Grass Jelly powder

Today is my first time I make Grass Jelly or in my country we call it Cincau.. My husband bought the packet of 100 grams of Grass Jelly powder in Asian shop. I dont know how to cook it because it very easy to get a ready one in my country.. I just love to have it with the Soy milk or Vanilla soy milk and add ice cube, really refreshing.

Steamed Buns with sweet Red Bean filling

For the Dough


500g all purpose flour
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of corn oil
1 cup of warm water
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1. Dissolved the sugar in warm water,
2. Combined all dry ingredients with corn oil and mix well.
3. Add the sugar water and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic .. cover with clean cloth and leave it to rise about double size..
4. Punch the dough , sprinkle the board with flour and knead again about 5mins.. Make about 12 same sizes dough balls. Leave it to rise about 10 mins.
5. Put the filling inside and shape the balls into smooth surface up..
6. Put each ball in a wax paper circle. Let stand covered about 30 mins.
7. Make your steamer ready, when the water is boiling, transfer as many buns on wax paper into steamer and  leave about 1 to 2 inches between the buns. Cover the steamer. Steam buns over boiling water for 15 minutes. 
8.  REMOVE LID BEFORE you turn off heat, or else water will drip back onto bun surface and produce yellowish color on bun surfaces. Continue steaming batches of buns until all are cooked.

For the filling

200g of red bean in water.. easy because its already soft
6 tablespoon of sugar- I normally use brown sugar
2 tablespoon flour 

Boil the red bean with sugar and a bit of water until tender, cook until you got a paste.. you can use smasher to smash it.. add the flour to make it thicker.. off the heat and leave it to cool.. ready to fill in dough ball..

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Easy way to cook Pulut Kuning

I got 2 express ways to cook Pulut Kuning/ Nasi Kunyit .... Some of my friends asking me, so hope it useful.

ok..here we go

1 . Using rice cooker

- 2 cups of glutinous rice(washed), 1 cup of thick coconut milk and add it with 1cup of hot water, little bit salt, 1tsp turmeric powder and 1 tsp of oil.
- Just put all together in the rice cooker . In the middle of cooking, just mix it to make sure all the ingredients all combined and also to make sure its not turn sticky at the bottom.

2 . Using steamer

- I normally used 4 cups of glutinous rice with 400ml of coconut milk from tin, a little salt and 2tsp of turmeric powder.. Some turmeric powder brand give nice bright yellow colour but some of it is not, so you might need add a little bit more..
-Wash the rice, steamed it for about 15-20 minutes , put in the big bowl, add salt and tumeric powder and mix it.. when all combined, steam it again for about 20 minutes or until it cooked..

somethings went wrong...

I don't know why its happened and seriously I don't know how to fix it.. My pictures is gone, some of my post are missing... and I "quite" lazy/not very interested to figure it out.. lol.. but I will ask my intelligent husband to fix it..hehe YES, I do "used" him. :P .. If he read this he will smile I'm sure.. sorry honey , honest to say I'm not wasting  on you  .. ok back to my work.. just quite look only..  tschuess, :) bis bald..

Monday, 30 July 2012

Quark Banana and Blackberry Muffin

I'm just enjoyed making and baking lately, fresh picked berries from my garden, nice summer weather and nice children are always willing to help . I'm so blessed. :) . This time, I make some nice beautiful golden brown crust and are absolutely taste yummy, bursting with flavorful banana and fresh berry muffins.. Oh I'm just loved the smell.. It just turn out good, moist and tender and almost bread-like in texture . We are using quark and corn oil instead of yogurt and butter.

Quark Banana and Blackberry Muffins: 

2 1/2 cups (325 grams) all-purpose flour
3/4 cup (150 grams) granulated white sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup (240 ml)quark
1/2 cup (120 ml)corn oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups fresh blackberry
2 medium size banana( roughly chopped)

In a large measuring cup or bowl whisk together the egg, quark, oil, and vanilla extract.. In the different bowl, add all the dry ingredients, and gently fold in the blackberry and banana . With a rubber spatula fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until the ingredients are combined.
Fill each muffin cup almost full with batter using two spoons. Place in the oven and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean, about 25 - 30 minutes.
 Makes 12 regular sized muffins.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Roti Arab

Assalamualaikum... Lama sungguh tak menjenguk kat sini... Memang hampir lupa,sehingga hari ni saya ketika menguli dough untuk buat roti arab baru tersedar... "Ah ah lamanya tak tengok blog" bisik hati kecil... Mmm xmengapalah, nak buat macam mana kan hidup dinegara orang, semua harus kita selesaikan sendiri... Sekarang kami dah berpindah, dari tanah Queen ke Deutchland... Kehidupan kami disini sedikit berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan kehidupan di England, tapi kami masih yang serupa, memilih dekat dengan alam sekitar, masih menggunakan kenderaan awam serta masih mengitar semula.. :) best jugak kat sini, teringat kampung halaman, disini ade ladang gandum, dikampung ade sawah padi... Seakan sama.. Bunyi jentolok anak2 seronok menengok.. Ulat, cacing mahun slug sedikit pon mereka tak geli, ibunya pula rasa malu, sebab takut dengan binatang yang tak mungkin dapat mengejar kita untuk gigit iaitu snail dan slug huhu... Funny but true! ...opssss terlebih pulak, ok, back to the topic... Roti arab... Haha hari ni buat tiga kali, kali yang pertama ok, kali yang kedua k.o kali yang ketika "perfect" for me( piawaian sendiri) hehe yang dua pertama tu tak tahu kat mana silap, mungkin hati merajuk sebab suami sibuk sangat sampai tak de masa tegur kita :p huhu but after suami cuba dan cakap " its far better than in the shop" hehe hati terus berbunga riang... Terus menjadi.. Alhamdulillah " terjumpa" dimana silap.. So ni resepinya... Actually saya dah semak banyak laman sebelum mencuba, baca komen dan tips yang perlu.. Overall rata2 resepi menggunakan sukatan yang sama.. So dengan yakin saya pon mencubanya.. First time kat Germany ni, Kat UK dulu penah la jugak.. Hehe lets see the picture first... :) ni buat yang first tu, yg paling puas hati tu dah lupa nak ambik gambar...xpela jadi jugak okla kan... :p

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Simple Chicken Broth


1 Whole chicken medium small size
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves star seed
1 onion, slice
4 garlic,crushed
Dried mushrooms
2inches ginger, sliced


Put all ingridients in a big pot and add water enough to cover the chicken. Just bring to boil, discard all the white foam..and continue to slow cook at least 2 hours.. Add the salt and vegetables if like and ready to serve warm..

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Solok Lada

Solok lada ( pepper/chilli stuffed with coconut and fish).. From time to time making Solok Lada, I saw a huge improvement. For the first time, I steamed it to long, second time the stuffed is not so full so the pepper become wrinkly when it done.. And after few times "experimenting" finally I satisfied with the result... First and the most important things is make sure the pepper is fresh and crunchy, and much much better to use fresh fish rather than canned fish..

Here is the recipe.... Perfect to eat with Nasi kerabu.. Yummmyy..

2 medium size fish- I used Mackerel
Half of the medium size coconut- grated or also can use desicated coconut( fine one is better)
10 pepper/ long and " fat" chillies
Coconut milk 200ml
Ginger about half inch-chopped
Shallots 4-chopped
Garlic 1-chopped
Salt- to taste
Blackpepper-to taste

Clit Chillies/peppers lengthwise For stuffing and soaked in the water for about 10 minutes..

Fish- cleaned and boiled in the water until coooked..when it cooled down, take out all the bone, need to be really careful and be sure to take out the small bones aswell, we dont want anybody choke .. :0 .. OR also can subtitue with canned fish.. Less mess..:)

Mix all the ingredient ( except chillies/peppers) ,Blend it fine.. Add blackpaper and salt to taste..

Stuff the mixed ingredients into the chillies. Place chillies, slit side up in a pot. Pour in the coconut milk slowly and add a touch of salt. Cover pot and simmer gently for 15 minutes until cooked and almost dry. I also tried it steamed but we need to add the coconut milk in the mixture.

Done, ready to eat alone or with rice.. But it perfect the most with Nasi Kerabu.. :)

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Malaysian Chicken Sate

Great recipe for the bbq... Eat with peanut sauce and its so easy to make but maybe take quite a time to marinated..

Boneless chicken -cut into cubes
Bamboo skewers

3 lemongrass
3 onions or also can use shallot(about 16)
4 garlic
1 inch ginger
2tsp tumeric powder
2tsp cumin powder
2tsp corriander powder
2tsp brown sugar

Blend all the ingredients and marinate with the chicken overnight.. Put the chicken in the skewers and grill.. Thats it! Easy..

Note: Also can use any other meat such as lamb, beef etc
If using small amount of chicken, we can save half of the marinate ingredients to make a peanut sauce.. :).

Friday, 24 February 2012

Fried Tiger Prawns in Garlic Butter


400g Tiger Prawns
25g garlic butter
Olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
Freshly milled black pepper
1/4(medium size) chopped onion
1 small carrot, finely sliced


Pull off the heads and legs with fingers, and simply peel away the shells..But leave the tails still attached.
Wash and dry the prawns with kitchen towel..
Fry in the oil until it cooked.
Take out from the oil leave it on the kitchen towel(to dry the oil)
In non stick pan, heat 2 tablespoon oil n garlic butter until hot, fry the onion until fragrane

Friday, 6 January 2012

Nasi Kerabu

Hari tu malas nak buat ayam percik , buat sambal sotong je... jadila nasi kerabu dengan sambal sotong...okla .. mana nak cari orang jual nasi kerabu kat sini, jumpa cari bahan2 tu pon dah kira bertuah.. Ni ha resepinya..

Untuk nasi;

Beras, serai dan daun limau purut. buat macam masak nasi biasa..

Untuk Ulam2;

Saya guna timun, taugeh dan daun kesom je.. kebetulan stock tu je yang ada untuk hari tu.. Timun dipotong memanjang dan daun kesom dicincang halus.. Gaul la sekali dengan taugeh.. siap..

Untuk Sambal Ikan;

Rebus ikan sampai masak, ambil isi sahaja.. Kisar 1/2 bawang besar dan gaulkan bersama dengan ikan dan kelapa parut..Masukkan sedikit lada hitam dan garam.. Goreng atas api sederhana kecil sampai kering..

Telur masin rebus, belah dua..

Tak de budu, tapi kita makan dengan cencaluk.. Tumis 1bawang besar, 1ulas bawang putih,3cili padi, dan 1batang serai( semua dipotong halus).. sampai naik bau, masukkan cencaluk.. Sebelum makan tambah perahan limau nipis..

Goreng Ikan bilis, kacang dan keropok... Siap.. Ni la versi saya yang serba kekurangan ni.. bolehla hilangkan kerinduan kampung halaman.. :)