This is Malaysian-styled barbeque chicken.. I made it very simple but delicious ..
Bahan-bahan Ingredients :
Bahagian bawah ayam dipotong menjadi 2 1 pair chicken leg( cut into 2 pieces)
1 1/2 cawan santan pekat 1 and half cup thick coconut milk
2 ulas bawang putih 2 cloves garlic
1labu bawang besar 1 onion
2 cm halia 2 cm ginger
1 batang serai 2 lemongrass stalks
1 camca ketumbar 1 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 sudu jintan putih 1/2 tbsp cumin seeds
2sudu tepung beras 2 spoons rice flour
1/3 cup air asam jawa 1/3 cup tamarind juice( 1tbsp tamarind paste mix with the water)
cili kering Dried chilli ( optional if you like hot/spicy)
garam salt
gula sugar
Cara-cara Methods
1 Kisar bawang , halia ,serai, ketumbar dan jintan sehingga lumat dan perapkan dengan ayam lebih kurang setengah jam.
Blend onion,garlic, ginger, lemongrass stalks, cumin seeds and coriander seeds until smooth and marinade chicken with the paste for about half an hour.
2 Dalam kuali besar, campurkan perapan ayam bersama bahan2 yang lain sehingga sebati dan masak diatas api sederhana sehingga ayam separuh masak.
In a large wok combine the rest of the ingredients and cooked with the marinaded chicken until half cooked.
3 Angkat ayam dan bakar didalam oven sehingga masak dan sedikit garing di bahagian atas.
Take out the chicken and put in the preheat oven/grill until the chicken cooked through and a bit browny colour over the chicken.
4 Dalam masa yang sama biarkan kuah diatas api yang kecil sambil dikacau sehingga pekat.
At the same time leave the gravy on the small flames until the gravy becomes thickens.
5 Bila ayam dah masak hidangkan bersama kuah.. sedia untuk dimakan bersama nasi putih atau beriyani.. :)
When the chicken ready , serve with the gravy and ready to eat.. Nice to eat on its own or with rice or Beriyani.
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